Immanuel Kant

Science of Right is a complete exposition of the Philosophy of Law, viewed as a rational investigation of the fundamental Principles of Jurisprudence. It was published in 1796: as the First Part of his Metaphysic of XoraZs,S the promised sequel' and completion of the Foundation for a Xetaphysic 0s Morals; published in 1785. The importance and value of the great thinker's , exposition of the Science of Right, both as regards the fundamental Principles of his own Practical Philosophy and the general interest of the Philosophy of Law, were at once recognised. A second Edition, enlarged by an Appendix, containing Supplementary Explanations of the Principles of Right, appeared in 1798.' The work has since then been several times reproduced by itself, as well as incorporated in all the complete ditions of Kant's Works. It was immediately rendered into Latin by Born in 1798, and again by Konig ' in 18 0 0. It was translated into French by Professor Tissot in 1837; of which translation a second revised Edition has appeared. It was again translated into French by M. Barni, preceded by an elaborate analytical introduction, in 1853.5 With the exception of the Preface and Introductions,G the work now appears translated into English for the first time. Rant's Science of Right was his last great work of an independent kind in the department of pure Philosophy, and with it he virtually brought his activity as a master of thought to a close? It fittingly crowned the rich practical period of his later philosophical teaching, and he shed into it the last effort of his energy of thought. Full of years and honours he was then deliberately engaged, in the calm of undisturbed and unwearied reflection, in gathering the finaIIy matured fruit of all the meditation and learning of his life. His three immortal Critiques of the Pure Reason (1781)) the Practical Reason, (1’788), and the Jzcdgmeat (1790), had unfolded all the theoretical Principles of his Critical Philosophy, and established his claim to be recognised as at once the most profound and the most original thinker of the modern world. And as the experience of life deepened around and within him, towards the sunset, ............................................


Kami membina, mendidik dan mendampingi generasi muda putra-putri pertiwi untuk hantarkan mereka raih mimpi setinggi Asa, Walau tak sebesar debu, semangat pengabdian kami : berkontribusi mewujudkan kehidupan masyarakat dunia yang 'Damai Santun, Trampil dan Humanis', melalui para pembina, pendidik pada seluruh tingkat satuan dan gugus depan diwilayah pembinaan Kwartir Ranting 20.07 Gerakan Pramuka Kec. Kedung Kab. Jepara, Jawa Tengah

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